Thursday, May 28, 2009

Woman's Talk

I felt rejuvenated after a whole 2 and a half hours of pampering at Women's Talk!
It was a last minute decision, I was suppose to meet Joanna, however I thinking my nails really need a makeover, I decided to go for a pedicure!! My toe nails are really brittle and crack easily. So I booked an appointment with them for a pedicure at first. I had a package with a balance of 5 manicure and a foot wax which I sign up two months ago. When I got there, I decided to sign up for another manicure package. Doing pedi and manicure can be really addictive!! The pedi and manicure consists of a scrub, scrap, massage, trimming of cuticles, filing, two nail art and nail polish. I really enjoyed the massage and scrub.
Since I had a foot wax and now, a hand wax after signing up the manicure package, I decided to do a foot and hand wax. My hands and feet felt really smooth after that! I am looking foward to another pedi and manicure session!! Who wants to go with me??

Do you know Manicure is derived from the Latin words manus called Formation of the nails?

Television! You get to choose what shows or movies you like to watch.

A huge variety of nail art designs to choose from!

Big and comfortable armchairs

Decided to take a photo of myself while waiting to paint my nails.

Finally! My lovely done nails. I love my nails!

Special shoes to massage and warm your feet while doing feet wax.
They had one for hands too!

Tata! My beautiful toe nails after pedicure. Say bye bye to brittle nails! =))

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